adama / for soprano and ensemble
premiered at soundSCAPE festival
kolot / for three voices and ensemble
premiered by Contempo
Breaking Ice /
for cello, live electronics and video
premiered by Fused Muse Ensemble
falling out of time /
for cello and electronics
premiered by Russell Rolen / ensemble dal niente
for soprano and ensemble
adama (2015)
video from premiere performance at soundSCAPE festival;
Maccagno, Italy, July 14, 2015
Tim Weiss, conductor
Tony Arnold, soprano
James Burch, cello
Dieter Hennings, guitar
Aiyun Huang, percussion
Gleb Kanasevich, clarinet
Matt Kline, double bass
Thomas Rosenkranz, piano
Text (in Hebrew, by the composer):
Dam ledam, דם לדם
adama le'adama אדמה לאדמה
dam le'adama ledam דם לאדמה לדם
le'adama ledam לאדמה לדם
adama ledam le’adam. אדמה לדם לאדם
- (the words "dam", "adama" and "adam" all appear in the first few chapters of Genesis, and stem from the same root. "dam" means blood; "adama" can be translated as soil or earth or land; "adam" means human or man; "le" is a connecting letter, which can mean"for" or “to".)
Dam nispag ba'adama ... דם נספג באדמה
- (blood is soaked in the adama (soil/earth/land)…)
Uma yitzmakh min ha'adama? ומה יצמח מן האדמה
- (and what will grow out of the adama?)
Uma tatzmi'akh ha'adama? ומה תצמיח האדמה
- (and what will the adama grow?)